What do you do to protect yourself from injuries?


Warm up with walking and no stretching!

From wikipedia.org:

Injury, also known as physical trauma, is damage to the body caused by external force. This may be caused by accidents, falls, hits, weapons, and other causes. Major trauma is injury that has the potential to cause prolonged disability or death.

You must not avoid stretching before lifting anything because I don't want to push my tendons and ligaments beyond their natural range of motion. We use the machines on the circuit to further warm large muscles without fully activating any muscles I would use to stabilize free weights during lifting.

They get a little action without being stressed, and are not fatigued before I hit the free weight segment of my routine.

Also I've read studies that say static stretching before resistance training will actually make you weaker and more susceptible to injury. Good post. I always stretch only after lifting.

Typically: Warm up first before stretching. Stretching cold muscles is asking for serious tears, so get the blood moving first, warm the tissue and then stretches are a must. Cool down after, too, is always good.

18 November 2018

Kaine Zimmerman