A Two Post Update: Super Powers and 15x366

My Super Powers

First off, I believe I have found my superhero uniform. Yesterday at school we had 70s day and the above was my outfit. There is no good reason other than the thinking cap and a comfy scarf that can double as a pillow. It may help prove how seriously I do not take myself.

However, my sleeping powers really stepped it up last week. They were aided by the spinach to my super power, beer. Not only did I fall asleep during the Jays game at Olympic stadium.

I also fell asleep during the Encore of the Iron Maiden concert. While this is not the encore, it will give you an idea of my power. My ears stopped ringing on Monday.

Somewhere in this crowd, I am napping.


100 days in and I am still running. 

My playlist has gotten worse, (I cannot reveal how bad) but

I have had a couple of frozen runs, 

I have had a couple of hungover runs, (Several caused by these guys.)

I many have had a couple of drunken runs, (I ran after this dinner and the wine.)

but I am still running. I was very excited about running in the warmth of April… It is -2 today. Bring on May. Actually, bring on 2017!