The Kids are Alright

It is the moment I really hate. I meet someone for the first time and we are exchanging small talk. They ask what I do and I say teach and coach. I can then see the question coming from a mile away, “How do you deal with teenagers?” As those words fill the air, know that I have already decided this will not become a friendship.

Honestly, anyone who thinks today’s kids are less capable of handling the Earth that generations of the past have damaged are sadly mistaken. In fact, I believe they have the potential to do more than we ever have. Don’t kid yourself, we have not done a lot to ensure the survival of humans on this planet. It is the present and past generations that have put us in the positions we are presently in and if you listen to the Rio Olympics’ reports which claims the swimming water is contaminated with fecal matter, that’s just shitty.

So what do we do? We have a magical data diagram that shows how today’s kids are less than we were. They are always playing video games and never go outside. Wait a second, in the 80s, we became consumed with a Rubrics cube and would play if for hours. My dad complained that we were the zombies and destroyed them. (Sound familiar?) These kids today dance inappropriately and wear next to nothing. That’s pretty much what generations have been trying to get away with forever. These kids today are always on their phones. We are all on our phones! Ironically I see a lot of the people making these complaints on Facebook which they checking on their phone.

When I compare it to sports, we all discuss our generation as the greatest of all time unless it is obviously not. No one is screaming that modern boxing is the best but a lot are saying UFC is better than boxing ever was. We all hold Jordan up as the greatest of all time and forget the past heroes like Russell and Robinson while dismissing the present like Lebron and Duncan. We are the historical revisionists from 1984 and we refuse to let the present generation believe they have a place with the historical greats while assuming their kids won’t be able to compete. Don't feel too bad though, it seems like a bad habit people grow into. Our memories are nostalgia books and not accurate historical documents.

This youth bashing is everywhere. I have been considering this topic for a while and it keeps reminding me to write it. The A-holes from this interview bash Cara Delevingne for her disinterest in talking to them. This kid has probably been forced to do these mandated interviews all day and these condescending clowns don’t seem that great to talk to. I especially dislike the third interviewer who drops the money bomb and acts like she is a monkey who should dance for them. I could not imagine this trio being nothing but suck-asses if the grumpy subject was Robert Downy Jr., Jennifer Aniston or Bill Belichick. Of course they leave the impression Cara is a brat when they are the ones acting like bitches. I also hate the often used but past its prime line (4:00), “Having fun with you.” which is too often used with “Learn to take a joke.” It obviously was not fun for her and most consider that bullying.

Then there is the Dirty Jobs guy. Mike Rowe believes we are not preparing the youth for the future. I find it a little ironic that a guy whose show wants us to not disrespect the hard working people who we really know little about, is disrespecting a fine group of people who he knows little about. Yes a lot of youth are going to university to find their way but not necessarily a job, but since when has education been a bad thing. As for the other parts of his quote about ambition and guidance, I would challenge him to talk to the students I have had the privilege to teach and coach. While they do not necessarily know what they want to do, they know they want to contribute and the want to make the world a better place. Many do volunteer trips to help third world nations or those in need. They all perform volunteer services and most go above and beyond the 40 required hours. In their discussions of the future, I hear less about how much money they can make and more about what type of contribution they can do.

Finally, there is us, the adults and parents. I hear a lot of praise being doled out to their children and grandchildren. There are many Facebook and Twitter posts about the greatness that exists in their family, however the society that their kids are a part of is pathetic. Not their kids though. Maybe it’s the trick to making the ordinary kid look special. Let’s make society seem like the scum of the Earth so our offspring look like stars and suns. Sorry but I do not believe it works like that, we are all part of the society and if it sucks, we all suck. If society is pathetic, we are all pathetic.

I try to approach life with as open a mind as possible. I am not sure I always succeed but I have never been one to claim perfection. Despite the damages we have done to the Earth, the world is becoming a more accepting and tolerable place. Many of the problems which plagued my youth are not plaguing the youth of today. They accept more and are more comfortable in their own skin. They have more temptations than any generation before them I believe they try to do as much good as they can. But for those of you who are still doubtful of the youth of today, wait until you see their kids.