NFL Concussion Settlement Appealed to U.S. Supreme Court

Many news outlets today reported, incorrectly, that the NFL Concussion Settlement would not be appealed. An appeal has been filed and it is timely. This means the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether to have hearings on the issues raised in the appeal or deny hearing it. 

There are also two other law firms who are drafting appeals to the Highest Court in the land. These firms requested a two week extension for time to file these appeals and that extension was granted. These appeals must be filed by Sept. 19, 2016 to be timely.

NFL Concussion Case attorney Patrick Tighe with X1Law, who represents many players in the class action had this to say, "This means the effective date is now uncertain and the commencement of submitting claims is uncertain. We are hopeful these final appeals will be denied and the commencement of submitting claims will be sooner than later."

Tighe is not alone in his wish for the Supreme Court to quickly deal with the issue, former player and player advocate, Jeff Nixon expressed a similar view.