Click Nation

SB Nation and Bleacher Report sites with a dream, now living the American Dream!

The American dream for sports bloggers is getting people to click your links. The sad thing you get a lot of haters. Imagine if Bryan Goldberg quit? The man is a genius, and his sites are the epitome of American success.

When I started blogging one month ago. I had no clue what I was getting myself into. I talked to this guy that I found on craiglist in the writing gigs section. He said that I had good NFL knowledge and I did a couple blog posts with him. I applied for Bleacher Report, and I got rejected.

When I read the article again I can see why they didn't bring me on the writing program. Bleacher Report was right Brock Osweiler is not a marketable piece. Unless, you are a die hard bronco fan wondering about their future.

I discovered that I could make own ad revenue, and so I started the Newk Report. The first couple stories were decent. However, a light-bulb went off when I read the samples from Bleacher Report. I realized that I needed to make some changes to my approach. I needed to adjust my presentation. I need to create headlines that would bring people in to read my articles.

Two weeks passed and I had 700 unique views, and I still was not satisfied. I have a chip on my shoulder to be the best. I realized one of my problem is being to analytical limits the casual sport fans. I believe that is something that makes Bleacher Report so engaging and successful.

SB Nation also does a great job of this method. The bloggers and writers truly love their teams and cities. Tyler Bleszinski and Markos Moulitsas Zuniga had a great idea. The concept gets casual fans involved in checking out their hometown teams. Now, CNBC reports that Vox and NBC Universal struck a 200 million dollar investment.  I am sure the site will keep evolving.

When Bill Simmons was with Grantland he had a twist in the concept. He gave sports and entertainment news and combined them. He is a clever and now without his input, it seems sad seeing it on ESPN

However, even ESPN started out as a Sports and Entertainment news source. ESPN has recently gone back to entertainment when they added Highly Questionable to its lineup. The show combines sports humor, and amazing rappers. The show is just awesome to watch. 

The problem with sports news and sports radio is the simple fact people are to serious all the time. I want people to liven up, and enjoy watching great games. I use to take Madden seriously, but I discovered that is just a video game that is spectacular and you should buy it. Yet, the important thing when you play is having fun.

I believe one thing that is important promoting what you believe in. I raise awareness for female athletics because I love it. I try to promote equality and diversity and it makes me joyous. I realize on the Newk Report that I have small voice in sports writing. I only have 1,018 views in 18. I am ranked 64 out of hundreds of bloggers.

However, some people ahead of me make up headlines and does that help their cause in the long run. Is that something they will feel good about in the long run. I highly doubt it, and I hope that I never mislead in my writing.

I hope people enjoy my site, and the headlines are engaging. My dream is to grow this blog and hopefully one day it is acquired, or hopefully a sports network highers me to a paying position. I would love to have a sports variety show, and do something that is so different than your average sports talk show. While, promoting female empowerment and raising awareness on female sports. 

I am very excited about covering LSU women sports for that reason. I know the key is to keep getting clicks, and joining the nation. Bleacher Report if you are reading this thank you for you service. You have helped me grow as a writer, and to be persistent.

What I love about Bryan Goldberg is he points out how little a degree can help you. I have learned from being on then being at College for two years. I have learned so much about myself. I have been rejected a lot, however I have learned to be very professional. I have discovered how to clicks, and I landed a great affiliate in Sports Interaction.

When I was Burbank for the Scripfest that is when my life changed forever. I won a contest and they paid for my ticket. The speakers really pointed me in right direction. I remember a producer that rejection will come, but he told me I was farther a long then he was when I was his age. It was a very validating experience. I discovered that I needed to get work out there. The contest changed my life, and know I am here sports blogging.

I look forward to getting more clicks, and I am grateful for everyone's kind words. The cool thing was Cam F. Awesome said he liked my post about him. Talk about validation in just a couple of weeks of marketing. I see the other side my plan is in motion.  

My goal is to promote female sports, and combine celebrities with sports. I want to thank everyone for checking my blog out. I have the best fan's in the world, and hope this inspires everyone especially women to live their dreams. Bryan Goldberg thanks for ignoring the haters. Keep being awesome America, and have a wonderful evening.


Kristopher M. Newcome