Lilliard says that destroying city is not solution to change

When the U.S. election results came in last week, a lot of people were very surprised and angry that Donald Trump had won over Hillary Clinton. They’re upset because Trump has no political experience and said some very offensive things while he was campaigning.

So, what did these people do? They got together and started anti-Trump protests on the streets of their home cities. The majority of the protests around the U.S. has been calm and peaceful. However, the ones in Portland, Oregon have not been, and the Trailblazers’ Damian Lillard does not condone these acts of violence.

On Saturday, Lillard told ESPN that though he does “commend” those who are coming together and rallying for change, he thinks that ruining the city and causing fear is not the way to go.

"I think it's very unfortunate that people have done some of the things they have done during the protest. A lot of harm and damage has been done," Lillard said. "I do understand their frustration, and I commend people wanting to come together for some kind of change. Tearing apart your own city just isn't the place to begin, and also making your own city less of a safe place isn't the answer."

CNN reported that on Saturday, protestors threw bottles at police officers and attacked a film crew, according to the police. Also, a man was shot on the Morrison Bridge, but was treated at a hospital. Police say that 71 people were arrested on Saturday.

However, the tone of the protest changed on Sunday. The group was smaller as they “gathered for a peaceful vigil on Portland's waterfront at the Salmon Street Springs Fountain.”