Happy Birthday to Me!

Yep, today I turn 44. Not an important birthday or one of numerical significance unless you are a Hank Arron or Jerry West fan, but none the less it’s a birthday. It also fell on my least favorite day of the week so there is that. (Ok so Monday is right after the weekend and I am too tired to notice I am working. Wednesday is hump day, nuf said. Thursday is the day to look forward to Friday in all its glory and Friday, Saturday and Sunday are naturally awesome…. But Tuesday is just blah.) Needless to say I was looking at it as just another day, until I actually looked at it.

My first gift came from Facebook and an outpouring of love that would make anyone feel special. I enjoyed each notification and greeting and it really brightened my day. So to Facebook and my friends I say thank you.

I also got to coach today. I went to a Track and Field meet and watched our kids give it their all. I guess there wasn't a ton of coaching to do but I loved the interaction. We even had a couple of kids qualify for regionals so all in all it was fun.

Of course Allison makes every day awesome but today she spoiled me with snacks and dinner and cake and gifts and all the good stuff. Considering the fact she is studying for a near impossible exam, I would have to consider myself lucky.

 It was also an excuse to get calls from family all over. Messages from da Rock to Hong Kong. Yep, more smiles.

I even pitched in and got myself something. May 4th, 2014 was not one of my favorite days. Not only did my Raptors lose a heartbreaking game seven, I also had two people I care about tell me how fat I was. Initially, I did not feel I was that large. Yes most of my clothes were XXL and my BMI index indicated I was obese, but really what did they know? But when your uncle and your close friend ask when you are expecting? And how well did you eat all winter, you know it is time to adjust.

Like many adventures these days, it all started with an app. I searched and found http://www.mynetdiary.com. It was awesome! You start with your plan and enter your present weight and your goal weight; then, each day, you have to enter your caloric intake and exercise and off you go. Many will tell you it is a big struggle to change your lifestyle, honestly it is not. While it was tough at times, it became more of a game for me really.

Tale of the tape:

Height 6’2”

Ideal Weight (According to BMI)         144-194 lbs

Weight on May 4th, 2014                     267lbs

Weight on May 12th, 2015                  225lbs

Thanks me!

Of course the sports world chipped in and offered a full slate of entertaining games. Ironically, the biggest treat came in the NHL. I hate the Montreal Canadians and tonight, on my birthday, I get to sing:

So while it was just a day, I have to say it was a really good day!