Sorry, I've had Enough! I Quit Coaching!

I know I have wasted many a word here discussing my love of coaching. Unfortunately, I cannot march on the sidelines any longer. I have had enough. 

I have had enough of the officials. Not the good ones; the guys who remember your name and chat with you on the sidelines. Those guys who appreciate what you are trying to accomplish and are willing to explain the judgement they just made. The ones who genuinely want to do the job because they believe it is important to the development of the sport and the youth who play it. I am talking about the arrogant whistle blowers who believe the crowd is there to see them. The ones who make calls out of spite because they didn't like the type of guy who didn't commit an infraction. Who explain the call as, "He is just bigger so he has to be penalized."

I have had enough of the rule makers and bureaucrats. Not the guys who give countless hours to organize the leagues or try to make the playing field as equal as possible. No the guys who twist and turn the rules and find the loopholes just to win. They are the reason it is hard for a kid to switch schools because they will block them from playing at any university that has a U in its complete name. 

I quit because of the fans. Not the ones who cheer and encourage, rather the ones who believe it is their goal to berate and mock. The ones who think it is ok to terrorize that the sixteen year old who has a bio exam in a week and has to be worried he will be late to his job bagging groceries to help his family. 

I quit because of the parents and players. Not the ones who appreciate my efforts and never stop thanking me. The ones who believe their child deserves a pass to the front of the line despite their never existing effort. He has to hang out with his girlfriend so he cannot make it to any practices. The players who don't have to practice despite their teammates who never stop working and leave it all on every court they play. 

So before I log off one last time, I will repeat "I QUIT!" 

Sincerely but please keep scrolling,

Corey Crewe

PS. April Fools! I could never give this up.