Update on Johnny Gaudreau Contract.
Johnny Gaudreau made it clear to the Flames that as the World Cup of Hockey was going on he would not be talking about contracts but would before the tournament, and after the tournament. So why have they not been talking since the tournament ended? Supposedly the answer to that question is, Flames management honestly thought that Gaudreau would not want to re-negotiate, and left him in peace for a few weeks. I think this thought process is completely ridiculous and they should have talked to Johnny right after the tournament to start working on a contract, and find out if he does want one, instead of do absolutely nothing and make everyone wonder, including Johnny himself. The last time the Flames, and Gaudreau talked was on September 9, about a month ago where the Flames offered Johnny 6 million a year which Gaudreau and his agent turned down. The Flames told Gaudreau that they would talk to him again in two days.. Gaudreau has still not received that phone call. Gaudreau's agent has recently come out and said that they are simply just waiting for the Flames management to call them, and that Johnny does not want a trade at all. I believe his agent also said that there will be a new contract soon. Now that Flames management knows that Johnny does want a contract we should not have to wait to long until one is made for Johnny, and there should be news on that soon. Gaudreau has recently been asking for a contract in the 8-8.5 million dollar a year range so the Flames will have to bump up their offer by about 2 million dollars a year, and I think they will do that and land at about 8 million. Thanks to Gaudreau's agent finally coming out and saying that Johnny wants a contract, and does not want to be traded we might be able to have a contract on the table by the end of the week, and Gaudreau will be suiting up on opening day where he belongs in Calgary. Hopefully.