Cookie Gilchist's Estate Files Appeal of NFL Concussion Settlement with U.S. Supreme Court

It’s been a long battle to get former NFL players treated and compensated for the severe brain injuries they incurred during their playing days....... and it appears they will have to wait a little longer. 

Although many news outlets reported that the NFL Concussion Settlement would not be appealed, New York Times reporter Ken Belson has just written an article "An Attempt for One More Appeal in N.F.L. Concussion Case"  where he reports that the lawyers for former American Football League running back Cookie Gilchrist have asked the Supreme Court to hear their appeal to change the settlement. 

Ken Belson said "The lawyers for the estate of Gilchrist, who died in 2011 at age 75, say that the categories of retired players in this settlement — those with diagnosed injuries and those without — were inadequate."

The problem is, we've heard all this in previous appeals that have been denied.

The lawyers representing the 20,000 former players that agreed to the Settlement said the Supreme Court should deny the petition to hear the case because “these objections have now been exhaustively examined and overruled” by both the district court and the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.

I hope the U.S. Supreme Court deals with this final appeal as quickly as possible.  No benefits, will be distributed until all appeals have been exhausted.