Are Sports Worth It?

This is such a unique topic with an abundance of sub topics.  Are they the worth the damage to the body?  Are they worth the parental hassles and so called "politics".  What if you're not 1 of the starters or stars?  Is the risk of injury worth the enjoyment?  Let's start with the injury aspect.

A physically active lifestyle is important for all age groups.  Reasons to participate in sports and physical activity are many, such as pleasure, relaxation, competition, socialization, and improvement of fitness and health.  Regular physical activity reduces the risk of heart disease, hypertension, cancer, obesity, and so on.  Our bodies need to move in order to stay healthy.

However, sports participation also carries a risk for injuries, which may in some cases lead to permanent disability.   "Studies document that sports injuries constitute 10–19% of all acute injuries seen in an emergency room".  Some injury types, such as knee, back discs, hips and arthritic disease are a growing cause of long term health concerns.  The highest incidence is seen in athletes in pivoting and impact sports such as football, rugby, soccer,  and basketball.   The incidence is 3–5 times higher among women than among men.  Sports injuries causes lengthy absence from work, and dramatically increases the risk of long term joint problems and early onset of degenerative joint or disc disease.   

Studies have shown the post-career rate for hospital care among former athletes for skeletal disorders was higher than for an age related non athletes.  In other words, sports injuries are a significant cause for concern, for athletes long term health and societal cost.  The treatment methods for injuries has improved and remains an important area of the medical field.   It may be even more important to prevent injuries.    

So are sports worth it?   The benefits sports can bring to a youth competitor are enormous.  The feeling of camaraderie,  working together, friendships, fitness levels, developing work habits, handling disappointment are unmatched benefits that comes with sports.  Therefore I do believe sports benefits do outweigh the costs especially at a young age and has it place in adulthood.

I do think caution has to be taken at any level on overuse and excess.  As an athlete ages into their mid to upper 20's-30's a skeletal, joint or brain injury becomes a very real possibility and probability.  Specialization can lead to heavy wear and tear on the joints.  Impact sports are almost a certainty for injury at some point.  In the NFL, boxing, MMA stronger protocols for return to play need to be considered.  If it gets to a point where skeletal, joint or brain injury is a close reality than a return to play should be heavily thought over.