Spyhunter 5 Anti-Malware Review! Wrold's #no 1 Internet Security Software Offers Free Scan For Your Pc and MAC
It’s a legitimate program published by EnigmaSoft and has been around for about 10 years. EnigmaSoft works to consistently and constantly update their malware database, and their main website offers some interesting statistics on trending malware and tips on how to avoid it in the first place.
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EnigmaSoft continues to keep their software up to date and ensure that it is an aggressive competitor in today’s malware environment. This past June they recently submitted Spyhunter to av-comparatives.org, an independent software analysis company, for review. It received a highly favorable score and writeup, which can be found here.
We continue to receive comments regarding the software from our readers, detailing how the program has helped them regain their computer’s performance following a malware or adware infection.
Enigma software also continues to be on the forefront when it comes to the newer threats of “cryptojacking” in which hackers steal some of your processing power to mine cryptocurrency in a large “bot net” relying on the networked power of millions of hijacked computers.
Public Sentiment
It’s a good idea that people do research on programs they are about to buy, so I’m happy that people are looking for reassurance. I actually did the same search myself just to see
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Why Pay?
Some people might wonder why they should buy a spyware remover program when there are free options out there. And this is definitely a valid question. In my experience, you get what you pay for. For free stuff, this means you’re sacrificing certain aspects such as frequent spyware definition database updates, customer and tech support, and bug fixes.
When a software program is free to the public, there is much less incentive for the companies that produce it to update it with regularity.
Because Spyhunter is backed by Enigma software and is a major part of their company, they are much more likely to keep it updated. And they do! A quick glance at their Facebook page shows that Enigma Software is constantly monitoring the latest threats that circulate on the internet.
If I want the best software to clean up my computer then I have no problem paying a bit of money for a decent program. I’m very skeptical of free programs as they tend to carry malware themselves. Free software, in fact, is one of the leading causes of people getting malware in the first place.
My Own Experience
I’ve been in the tech field for many years and I would only use software on my computer that I trust. Spyhunter 5 made quick work of a very annoying malware infection on my computer called Conduit. It saved me quite a bit of time, and the entire process was quite easy. It got rid of the infection and restored my settings back to their original form.
I also went searching for some user testimonials from people who actually USED the program to see what they were saying about the program itself (not whining about the fact that they had to buy something). I found many many unsolicited happy reviews from users who were quite pleased with the software. Here is a screenshot I just took from Spyhunter’s very
own Facebook page: