Gordon Hayward: Best I've Seen

Yes! You read that right. No, Gordon Hayward is not the best player I have ever seen but last night in Game Five against the Clippers, that was the best I have ever seen him play. At least in my eyes. I know some of you will say, “what about Game Three when he had 21 points in the first quarter and 40 overall?” I understand that, I was there to see it in person, but last night I saw something different.
I saw Gordon Hayward play maybe as hard as I have ever seen him play and he plays hard every game! Last night he was a different player. He was jumping higher for rebounds, he was quicker to the basket and he was proving to everyone around that he is not just a good basketball player, he is a great basketball player.
My favorite play of the whole night was the one where Hayward and Chris Paul were tangled up for a loose ball and Hayward would not let go! Jazz fans know exactly what I am talking about. A lot of players would have backed down because it was “superstar” Chris Paul holding on to the ball, but not Hayward. Paul was so frustrated by the play that he even shoved Hayward after they finally got up. The push by Paul proved that Hayward was the winner of that particular “battle.” I loved it! Especially since Paul throws his hands up and whines after every….single…play.
Gordon Hayward has gotten better each and every year. He never complains and he is very consistent, which is one of the most important things in all sports. No, I wouldn’t call him a superstar, but he is a great player and in fact an all-star. He is exactly what the Jazz need and I hope he never leaves. It is a pleasure to watch him play and the NBA needs more players like Gordon Hayward.