LeBron is no Jordan, and he never will be.

One thing that has seemingly dominated the sports world since 2003 has been the LeBron James comparison's to Michael Jordan, His Airness if you will.

It doesn't help we have LeBron haters like Skip Bayless offering comparisons alongside LeBron disciples such as Colin Cowherd offering the other side of the argument. Then of course we have misleading graphics showing LeBron has done more by some age in his life that Jordan, despite getting a three year head start. That being said, let's not forgot haters mentioning the All-Star teammates forgetting Ray Allen and Reshard Lewis were not at their all-star point with LeBron.

However, these comparisons will always be futile. King James and His Airness will never be an equal comparisons because they played the game completely differently with much different competition.

Jordan was a raw scorer who knew if the Bulls were going to win, it would be by his hand. He put the ball in the basket by any means necessary. He made it his responsibility to win. Michael played in an era when the entire league was strong, it seemed like every team had an all-star. James can score occasionally but there is a reason he only averaged 30+ ppg twice in his career, it's because he's looking to pass. He holds everyone accountable. James plays in the super team era. The Boston Tea Party, the Lakers with Kobe and Pau, all things Tim Duncan and the Spurs and of course, the Golden State Warriors.

The only thing they have in common is they play basketball and wore the number 23.

Is one style better than the other? Absolutely not. These two will potentially be seen as the number one and number two players to ever play basketball. Jordan will always have the Finals record on LeBron. LeBron will always have the stats on Jordan.

At the end of the day, the two live in two different ponds. That means it is possible for their to be two big fish.