Females In Baseball

Move over Derek Jeter. You should meet my new favorite baseball player!

I am so glad about the poll results! I was growing concerned when 60% of people voted no that are not excited to see women in baseball. I was fairly optimistic when it became 50%, and now it is 55%, and that is really exciting. I hope Hero Ball touched a lot of lives. ESPN reported that she had her first hit the other day.

The whole story is exciting and I can't wait to see women in MLB the Show 17. I have supported diversity and Melissa Mayuex is such inspirational young athlete. She is going to be a superstar.

I am her biggest fan and I love women that empower other women, and Melissa does that. Models empower women and actresses, and even Amy Schumer. She gave a awesome interview in GQ this month worth checking out.

This is truly a neat to watch this story develop. I can't wait to her first home run! Melissa you are awesome, and I hope you keep up the good work. You are in the Hall Of Fame in my book, since you are so courage's.


Kristopher M. Newcome