NFL Concussion Settlement - BAP Class Member Portal

If you have not registered for the NFL Concussion Settlement benefits, you will need to do that before you can establish a BAP Settlement Class Member Portal. Register at this link: Online Registration
The BAP Settlement Class Member Portal is now available for Settlement Class Members and their attorneys to request baseline assessment examination appointments online. If you have an attorney, check with them to see if they are going to - or already have - set up your BAP Portal.
The Portal gives users the ability to:
• Electronically sign the BAP HIPAA Authorization
• Search for Qualified BAP Provider organizations closest to the Retired Player’s home
• Search for Qualified BAP Providers in other locations
• Select Qualified BAP Providers with whom they would like to schedule appointments
• Identify dates that the Retired NFL Football Player is not available for scheduling
• Confirm baseline assessment examination appointments after they are scheduled
• View BAP-related documents
Click on this link to go to the BAP Class Member Portal.
If this is your first time going to the portal, you will need to create a new user account and enter the your Settlement Program ID number that was provided to you in your “Notice of Registration Determination” letter.
To schedule a baseline assessment examination online, log in to your portal and click the BAP menu at the top of the screen.
Follow the instructions there to: (1) access the BAP Administrator’s online BAP HIPAA Form that can be signed electronically; and then (2) schedule your preferred dates and locations for a baseline assessment examination.
The network of Qualified BAP Providers will expand as they continue to identify additional providers, so check back often to see if Qualified BAP Providers have been added in your area.
If you are having difficulties with the BAP Portal here is a link to the BAP Portal User Manual. The Manuel will tell you everything you need to know.
Settlement Class Members may also continue to request appointments with the BAP Administrator through the NFL Concussion Settlement Call Center at 855-887-3485.
As always, if you have an attorney, make sure you are working with them on all aspects of the NFL Concussion Settlement process.