The NFL Concussion Settlement Baseline Assessment Program is Scheduling Appointments

All Retired NFL Football Players with at least one-half of an Eligible Season and who timely register in the Settlement will be eligible to receive a baseline assessment examination in the Baseline Assessment Program, which opens on June 6, 2017.
Since May 8, 2017, eligible Retired NFL Football Players have been able to schedule an examination by contacting the BAP Administrator at 1-855-887-3485.
You can also contact them with questions at the following email address: [email protected]
If you Registered, there is additional information on how to schedule your examination in your Registration Determination Notice.
Former players have only 75 days left to get Registered!
On August 7, 2017 the registration period will be closed and any eligible player that has not registered will be barred from receiving any benefits under the NFL Concussion Settlement.
To register, please go to this link: Registration
Please get the word out to all our Alumni brothers.