Gophers Goofers turn in a Gaffe

Definition of gaffe: a social or diplomatic blunder; a noticeable mistake


In my latest piece on the Gophers football program I concluded with the Gophers are gonna goof us on the football field as we move into the future.  Well not to be outdone, the goofy Gophers turned naughty late night shenanigans by a handful (potentially a couple handfuls) of players from a mole hill into a mountain of trouble.  After a University of Minnesota investigation a group of players were found to be in violation of the code of conduct when a late night rendezvous with a female turned into sexual misconduct with potential expulsions and long lasting suspensions for 10 players.  


The Gophers players under the leadership of their captains decided enough was enough and demanded the players be reinstated or they'd boycott the bowl game since they weren't charged with a crime by police.  The University's leadership pleaded with the players that if they had the right information they wouldn't boycott but understand the decision and the need to try and respect data privacy.  Not good enough stated the players and they went public with the boycott.  As a result the findings of the investigations were made public by local news stations.  Uh-ohh the findings found alcohol, youth, hormones and poor decision making created a huge smelly dung heap of a situation.  The football team realized the stance they were taking may as well have been in a leaky canoe and with drew the boycott.  (It's hard to defend alleged sexual assault)